Weight Loss

Excess weight and chronic conditions frequently go hand-in-hand. Whether your goal is to reduce your blood pressure, gain control of your blood sugar, improve back and joint pain, or simply fit in those pants you haven’t worn in years, we are here to give you the tools you need to make it happen!


You will hear us discuss this over and over. We are not here to become temporarily healthy. Our goal is lifestyle change that is sustainable long-term to help you lose the weight and keep it off. This is why we offer an experienced nurse practitioner and also have a certified health coach to work with you throughout your journey!


The Consultation.

Your journey will start with your initial consultation which can be completed in-person in our Danville, IL office or via video visit for those patients in the state of Illinois at the time of the visit. The nurse practitioner will help you to select a medication and then see you for ongoing management of your prescription as needed.

If you choose to proceed after your consultation, you may need to complete some simple lab testing to ensure you are a good candidate. If possible, do not eat or drink anything except water (and plenty of water) for at least 12 hours prior to your consultation with the nurse practitioner so we can do blood work during your visit! If your visit is later in the day or you are not fasting, no worries! - We will try to schedule fasting labs within 1-2 weeks of your appointment.


We assure you that we will always be as upfront with pricing as possible! Payment for all services will be due up front.

Nurse Practitioner. Your initial consultation can be billed to insurance if you have an in-network insurance plan, but you may be asked to pay for your visit up front if you have not met your insurance deductible. A membership is required to purchase compounded medications through our practice and does include visits so ask about this during your visit if you do not have insurance converage for obesity medications. You will be presented with all of your options at your initial consultation.


  • You have a couple of options for labs.

    • We work with Rupa labs and do perform blood draws in the office for local patients. This does not go through insurance but is never more than $70 for the entire panel we order. Even patients who are not local have the option of using Rupa to get our discounted prices by having the kit mailed to your home and going to a Rupa draw site local to you with the kit for collection.

    • The second option is to request a written copy of the lab orders and take them to the lab of your choosing. We cannot guarantee any pricing this way and you will be responsible for paying your selected lab whatever insurance does not pay.


  • The medication we use most frequently is a once weekly injectable glucagon-like peptide receptor agonist from the compounding pharmacy called compounded semaglutide. We will go into detail on this during your appointment. The maximum you can expect to pay monthly INCLUDING visits and medication if taking maximum dose of compounded semaglutide is approximatel $265 per month. Again, that includes the membership (including visits) AND medications + supplies you need to administer.

  • We also offer tirzepatide compounded with cyanocobalamin.

  • We ALWAYS attempt to go the most effective yet cost effective route for you. If we can get a medication covered with a little extra leg work, we are more than willing to go the extra mile and refer back to your primary care for management from there so that insurance can be utilized if this is what works best for you. The commercially available injectable medications we most commonly use typically end up being $25-$60/month IF covered well by insurance. Even if not covered by insurance, these commercially available medications (like Wegovy or Saxenda) are certainly available options but the cost is typically in the range of $800-$2000/month if you choose this route.

  • Important to note: Even if you do not have an in-network insurance carrier, they will generally still pay for the medications and labs/studies we order just as they would for in-network providers. There are exceptions to this rule (such as some Medicare and Medicaid plans).

Compounded glucagon like peptide receptor agonist modeled after semaglutide is our most popular option. Dosing starts at 0.25mg once weekly and increases periodically up to an average dose of right around 1.5 mg once weekly, although the maximum is 2.4mg per week. You can find more information about this medication HERE.

To learn about compounding pharmacies, click HERE.

I’m interested. What now?

You can book an appointment by clicking here or by clicking the schedule now button in the top header of any page on this site. You can reschedule more than 24 hours from your appointment time by calling 217-799-1617 or rescheduling in the patient portal.

Refund Policy

The cost of the initial visit is nonrefundable once the visit is complete. If you decide not to move forward with the proposed weight loss plan after your consultation, you will not receive a refund for your visit or any services already provided. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, this must be done more than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. Medications will not be ordered or refilled if your account has a past-due balance.